This website is not sponsored by, associated with, or edited by anyone else. I do not make any money from this website, it is a personal project for sharing information.

All logos, trademarks and copyrighted materials are the property of their respective owners.

When I know the source of a copyrighted item I'll credit it. However, there will be various images shown on this website that were collected by me over a 30+ year period because I found them informative/interesting. Those images did not always have the original source mentioned, and of course in these modern times copyright/ownership issues for material posted on social media seem to largely be ignored, so any image I saved to my computer over the decades may well have been through a number of different hands before I saw it and saved a copy. If you see something that belongs to you and you'd like me to either mention you as the source, or to remove it entirely, you have but to ask.

In exchange, I ask that if you reuse something I've written, drawn, photographed, or otherwise created, please do so for non-commercial use only, It would be nice to be given author credit and/or a link to this website. However, my expectations on that are pretty low, so do what you think is right.

Disclaimer of Liability and Assumption of Risk

If you use any of the information on this website, you do so at your own risk.

Trust, but verify.

I am not a trained engineer, I'm a hobbyist that found myself building things. These writings are based on my own experience, the experience of people I know, and whatever information I have been able to glean from various books, magazines, web fora, etc.

The information presented here is meant as a general discussion, and not detailed design procedures. Motorcycling, or actually anything involving a vehicle, can be a dangerous activity, and the risk level can be increased if you are using improperly designed/constructed components on your vehicle. Machining, fabrication, casting, welding, cutting and the use of toxic resins, gases and materials are potentially health and/or life-threatening. Please make use of suitable personal protective gear. Please try to not hurt yourself.

If you are unsure about what you are doing, please find someone who knows more than you do about the task and ask for advice. If you are SURE about what you are doing, you may be in even greater need of expert help! The older I get, the more cautious I am about what I think I understand. Design and construction covers a lot of information, and no one person can know everything. Even experts sometimes get a visit from Mr. Murphy.

This website does not cover all possible relevant topics and should not be considered a definitive treatise on any subject.

As the late Carroll Smith wrote in the statement of non-liability in his books: "If, while attempting to apply any of the ideas, procedures, or advice contained in this book, you should come unstuck -- or your racer should break -- it will be as a result of your own conscious decision. I disclaim responsibility for your actions -- and for your accident."

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© 2023 Michael Moore